Monday, August 17, 2009

A view to kill for

From the garden in the hills you can see the fog covering the city. How strange, the sun here is bright and warm, and San Francisco is shrouded in mists, but NOT mystery - I shall not be guilty of so glib and plastic a phrasing.

Nor will I make any metaphoric attempts at eloquence regarding the various bridges visible from this vantage point. The bay Bridge, Golden Gate, and S'Rafael are NOT, and I repeat that, NOT spider-webbing, nor fairy necklaces, nor at night garlands of glittering light.
They are bridges. They do not "gird", they merely connect.

This view does not inspire me to poetry nor song. Whatever romance might be intrinsic to such a sight is negated by the realization that that bump over there, the one overlooking the road, would make a lovely machine-gun emplacement. This is a very defendable position.
And that corner in the shade needs a bunker. Plus sandbags. Oh, the beauty of it all!

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