Sunday, August 2, 2009

Does it smell familiar?

It's been five years, but I can still smell his tobacco in my dreams. He never was the most considerate of men.

I'm still eating off the plates we bought together, and I still add extra paprika to his favorite dishes, like his odious mother insisted I do. These are the things that I am far too accustomed to, and will not change.

His shirts are still in the closet; I wash them every few months. His kippot are on the shelf next to the smaller tallis. The larger one, well, you know. Occasionally one of the members of his shul calls, especially around rosh hashana. I've had more contact with them since then than while he was still around.
His friend Aaron called this morning. I can't remember Aaron's face. But his voice comforts me. Sort of. He mentioned the smell of the pipe. That's why.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Shocking video: the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival - Exposed
This two-part short film about the 2009 SF Jewish Film Festival speaks more eloquently than a 100 blog posts about what is wrong with the Film Festival and how important it is that organized Jewish community act to ensure that something like this never happens again under Federation auspices.

...perhaps the most obscene is the treatment of the sole pro-Israel questioner, who was jeered, manhandled and bullied as he tried to, as some are fond of saying, speak truth to power.