Friday, August 7, 2009

Sheikh Jarra? - No, Shimon HaTzaddik!

Last week the Israeli government evicted several dozen Arab squatters from houses in East Jerusalem that had been purchased by and for Jews over a century ago. The Arabs had been plonked there by the Jordanian interim authority before all of Jerusalem reverted to Israeli control.

Sad for the Arabs - they had lived there for half a century. But some compensation money changed hands, and the court-case took ten years.

Here in San Francisco an eviction takes far less time than that. And we LIKE tenants here.

But now note: NOT ALL OF THE EVICTED SQUATTERS WERE ARAB - many of them, if not most, were Western European Anarchists. Swedish activists had turned the buildings into fortresses. It is both a testament to the professionalism of the Israeli police, and the essential cowardice of pampered Swedish provocateurs, that nobody was injured during the eviction. Things are not so smooth in the cities of Western Europe when radical thugs and criminals need to be thrown out of buildings they have occupied.

Nearly every month there are news reports of squatters' collectives fighting pitched battles with the cops in Europe. Often the riot police or swat are involved.

It took FORTY TWO YEARS to return these buildings in the Sheikh Jarra / Shimon HaTzadik neighborhood to their legal owners. No broken heads.

And yet...... Europe is critical; they should talk - their treatment of Arabs is far worse than anything Israel has done to her Arab population, and their treatment of all minorities makes what goes on in the 'occupied' territories look like candy.
Hillary Rodham Clinton is critical; who is she pandering to?
And the Arab world is critical; Jews could invent a cure for cancer, and Arabs would claim that it was poison, a Zionist plot, and stolen from the Arabs in the first place.

What can we learn from this?

Primarily that we should ignore the world. OR beat the crap out of Swedish leftwingers. Your choice ..... (but I definitely want the latter part of the program).

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